I began sewing my own clothes when I was 16 because I could not find clothes to fit me…I was skinny way back then! Later, I began designing my own clothes. While Summer was definitely my favourite season, I remember looking forward to Autumn and new, warm plaid skirts and blazers. Jumping forward a few decades, I found myself moving from the U.S. to Scotland. I discovered two things: Scotland does not have the same kind of Summer but it does have an abundance of Tartan (plaid if you are from the States)! That is when it all began…first, I made myself some lovely tartan table linens and, then, I thought…I could sell these…so I did. Then, I made some necklaces and I thought…I could sell these…so I did. And, so it went.
I began taking all of my table linens and jewellery to Highland Games and I started trying to make a name for myself and it was going pretty good. Then, Covid descended upon everyone and there were no more games so I forced myself to move online and learn new things like Instagram. Now, I have people following me. Twenty years ago, if people followed other people the police were called. Now, we invite as many people as possible to follow us! I invite you to follow me, too, on Instagram at Tartan.Tartan.Everywhere.
My goal is to provide an exceptional product for an affordable price. I will never charge an exorbitant price for something simply because I can! I take great pride in the quality of my pieces and I only sell things I would be proud to wear.